The Ultimate Pre-Appointment Checklist for Eyelash Extensions: All the Information You Need

The Ultimate Pre-Appointment Checklist for Eyelash Extensions: All the Information You Need


Imagine waking up every morning with picture-perfect, voluminous eyelashes that require no mascara or curlers. This dream can become a reality thanks to eyelash extensions, a small yet transformative beauty treatment that makes you look effortlessly put together.

But stepping into the world of eyelash extensions is not for the faint of heart; from planning your trip and pre-appointment prep to maintenance, looking effortless takes time and, well, effort! But don't worry, we have you covered.

Our handy pre-appointment checklist is the perfect guide whether you're a first-timer looking to enhance your natural lashes or a seasoned pro perfecting your lash game. Read on to discover how to prepare for your lash extension appointment to ensure your appointment is a smooth, satisfying, and safe experience.

Understanding Eyelash Extensions

In the world of eyelash extensions, knowledge is power. Knowing how the process works, the different types and styles available, the intricacies of the procedure, its duration, and subsequent maintenance is key to maintaining that effortless beauty. 

Get ready to confidently walk into your eyelash extension appointment and leave prepared to take on the world with these top tips.

Types and Styles of Eyelash Extensions

Tip number one - Pick your style!

Personalise your style by choosing the type of eyelash extension that works for you; some popular types include silk, mink, cashmere, flat or ellipse lashes, each with their own properties that make them perfect for different styles. Decide on the type of eyelash extension you have by choosing a material and style that suits your lifestyle, natural lash density, and personal style. 

At Silk Touch Lashes, we believe in uniqueness, offering one-of-a-kind lash extensions made from ultra-soft silk lashes in Classic, Russian and Mega options for a fluffy, natural, ultra-light finish that will have you feeling bold and sexy no matter the style.  

We know that style is personal, and an experienced lash technician will know how to choose the best lash map for your eye shape to make the most of those beautiful peepers. There are a multitude of styles that you can choose from - with Classic, volume, hybrid and Russian among them.

The Procedure, Duration, and Maintenance

Tip number two - Beauty takes time and maintenance! 

Eyelash application requires skill and precision as your lash technician attaches individual extensions to your natural lashes using a semi-permanent adhesive. When booking your appointment, remember it takes time to look this good. 

A full set typically takes 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the number of lashes applied and the speed of the lasher. Conversely, infills usually take about an hour and are recommended every 2-3 weeks to maintain the fullness of the lashes.

Maintenance of eyelash extensions involves a few simple steps. Firstly, washing the lashes daily, even twice if possible, will help A LOT with maintenance! Our lash cleanser is the perfect addition to your lash cleaning routine as it is made oil-free and sulphate-free not to weaken the adhesive or cause irritation. The gentle and luxurious foam texture effortlessly sweeps away debris, germs, and dead cells, leaving your natural lashes looking and feeling fresh and oh-so-healthy. And remember to brush your lashes daily with a clean mascara wand to keep them looking their best.

With this knowledge, you're ready to embark on your eyelash extension journey. But remember, preparation doesn't end here. 

The Ultimate Pre-Appointment Checklist for Eyelash Extensions

Whether it's your first time or you have been getting extensions for a while but looking for a new lash technician, this comprehensive checklist will leave you confident, well-prepared and informed before entering the salon. 

Research the Salon

As you scroll aimlessly through social media, take the time to investigate the salon. From reviews and ratings to their online portfolio, experience, and qualifications, check out your potential lash technician before booking your appointment. 

Your health and safety should be prioritised, so ensure the salon follows strict hygiene standards. Remember, your eyes are delicate, and any mishap can cause severe problems. 

Understand the Cost

Next up, get a clear understanding of the cost. Eyelash extensions can vary in price based on style, technician's expertise and sometimes the person's retention of their lashes. Some salons offer package deals, including aftercare products, which may add value for money. Be aware that high-quality extensions and expert applications often come with higher costs - but remember, this is an investment in your appearance and eye health.

Prepare Your Natural Lashes

Here's the deal: lash extensions don't stick to dirty lashes. Lash extensions should be applied to a beautiful, clean canvas to get your money's worth. 

Create a natural lash self-care routine to give your lashes some TLC before your appointment; trust us, you will thank us for it later when your lash extensions last. Make your face a no-makeup, mascara or moisturiser zone the day before; you want your natural lashes as clean as possible! 

For the appointment, get ready to get comfortable by wearing your comfiest clothes and avoiding braids or ponytails during your appointment. To ensure your technician can easily get to your lashes, avoid caffeine so there is no risk of twitchy eyes, and prepare to take a nap. This last point is highly recommended as it makes the process easier for you and your technician! 

Know About Aftercare

Aftercare is just as important as your pre-appointment self-care routine, helping you keep your lashes well-maintained and for longer! 

Our Silk Touch Lashes top tips for long-lasting, healthy lash extensions are: Avoid water and steam for at least 12 hours, don't use oil-based products, and remember to wash and brush the extensions gently with a clean mascara wand. Trust us, these top tips will Keep your new lashes healthy and you looking glamorous for longer in between appointments. 

But if your technician applies a post-treatment Super Bonder, this usually makes your extensions immediately waterproof. Always check with your technician.

What to Avoid Before Your Appointment

Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do to prepare for your next eyelash appointment! As you enjoy your pre-appointment pamper session, remember to avoid these certain things to make your lashes as healthy as possible. 

Avoid Makeup before the Appointment

We know it's hard to leave the house without your trusty mascara and eyeliner combo, but remember to leave it at home! Arriving at your appointment clean and make-up-free is crucial for two reasons. Firstly, if you do turn up with makeup on, you will have to cleanse at the salon, adding time to your already lengthy appointment (meaning more time before you can lay back, relax and enjoy a nap). Secondly, the barrier created by makeup can also make it harder for the adhesive to work and for your lash extensions to fall out permanently. 

Avoid Oil-Based Products

We promise that one night off the skincare routine won't ruin your stunning looks! To make sure your eyelash extensions stay for as long as possible, avoiding your usual oil-based skincare and haircare products for 24 hours before your appointment is a must. This is because oil can break down the adhesive used for eyelash extensions, causing them to lose grip and shed sooner than expected. 

The Risks of Not Following Pre-Appointment Guidelines

You may wonder, "What's the worst that could happen if I don't follow these guidelines?" The risks are more significant than you think. As mentioned earlier, makeup and oil-based products can result in poor adhesion, leading to premature shedding of your extensions. This shortens the lifespan of your beautiful extensions and wastes your time and money.

Moreover, consistently applying extensions on an unclean or oily surface could potentially damage your natural lashes over time. This could mean thinner, weaker lashes or, in severe cases, lash fallout. Hence, these guidelines aren't just about making your extensions last longer; they're about protecting and preserving the health of your natural lashes.

By avoiding makeup and oil-based products, you pave the way for a smoother procedure, longer-lasting extensions, and healthier natural lashes.

Post-Appointment Care and Maintenance

Now that you've got your fabulous new eyelash extensions, it's crucial to understand how to take care of them properly. So, let's dive into the essential dos and don'ts.

Taking Care of Your Eyelash Extensions After the Appointment

Firstly, avoid getting your eyelashes wet for up to 12 hours after the procedure. This allows the adhesive to fully dry and bond with your natural lashes. (if a super bonder is used, you don’t need to worry about this, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.) Be cautious while washing your face or showering, and refrain from swimming or engaging in activities that cause excessive sweating during this period.

Secondly, keep oil-based products away from your eyelashes. Remember what we said about keeping your lashes a beautiful, clean canvas? This is because oil can break down the adhesive, causing premature shedding of your extensions. Use an oil-free makeup remover, and avoid using mascara on your extensions, as it can clump and damage them.

Lastly, although it seems silly to say, try not to rub, pick, or pull at your extensions. These actions can harm your natural lashes and lead to the loss of extensions. If you experience discomfort or an itching sensation, contact your lash technician instead of attempting to solve the problem alone.

Maintaining the Longevity of the Extensions

You don't just need a self-care routine pre-appointment; creating a nurturing skincare routine around your extensions is also needed (and who doesn't like a nice pamper sesh?) to ensure your extensions last as long as possible. Regularly cleansing is crucial. Use a gentle, oil-free cleanser and a soft brush or cleaning wand designed explicitly for eyelash extensions. Clean your lashes every other day to remove any buildup or debris which can cause infection or irritation.

Regular touch-ups are also a part of maintaining your eyelash extensions. Depending on your natural lash growth cycle and how well you maintain your lashes, you'll likely need an infill every 2-3 weeks. This keeps your extensions looking full and beautiful.

Lastly, remember to sleep on your back if possible. Sleeping face-down can cause your extensions to rub against the pillow and possibly fall out or change position. For extra protection and to give your lashes that royalty treatment they deserve, use a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and prolong the life of your extensions.

Proper aftercare is the key to enjoying your eyelash extensions for longer and getting your money's worth (no, whoops, I lost a lash moments when you're getting all dolled up for you). 


So there you have it, your pre-appointment checklist of dos and don'ts when getting your eyelash extensions done. 

Remember, knowledge is power. Being well-informed is about getting your money's worth, protecting your natural lashes and overall eye health, and maintaining your glamourous new look for longer. 

As we wrap up, it's necessary to reiterate the importance of aftercare. How you maintain your lash extensions post-appointment plays a huge role in their longevity. Therefore, follow the recommended care tips to keep your lashes looking fabulous for longer.

Ultimately, the goal of this blog post has been to equip you with the necessary knowledge to approach your eyelash extension appointment with ease and confidence. Preparation is key to a seamless and satisfying experience. So, do your research, use the checklist, and ensure you're fully ready for the transformative journey that eyelash extensions can offer.

Now, it's time to make your move! Go ahead and schedule that eyelash extension appointment you've been dreaming about. Rest assured, with the proper preparation and armed with your ultimate pre-appointment checklist. Here’s to stunning, show-stopping lashes!